Constraints-Based Planning Driven By KPI
Performance objectives are meaningless if you can’t control the process by which you attain them. Through operational statistics and customized dashboards, Planilog measures the impact of your planning decisions on your industrial performance indicators.
Visualization of Capacity and Load
Get a graphic visual in real-time to measure your load plans going forward. Control the rate of resource utilization (overload and under load).
Track and log past orders and the results obtained. Analyze trends and compare actual results against forecasts.
Get a holistic view of production and various specifications (launch date, start date, end date, deadline, priority levels). Export this data in an open analysis format to decision-making tools.
KPI supported by Planilog :
- Number of units
- Reject rate
- Cadences
- On-Time Delivery (OTD)
- Turnaround Time (TAT)
- Overall Equipment Efficiency (OEE)
- On Time In Full (OTIF)
- Mean Time To Repair (MTTR)
- Mean Time Between Maintenance Actions (MTBM)
- Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF)
- Mean Time To Failure (MTTF)
Ready to get started?
Start your free trial today or contact us if you have any questions.
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Nouveau partenaire : ADVANSYS Group, spécialiste manufacturing distribuera Planilog au Maroc !

Les améliorations fonctionnelles de Planilog - automne 2022

Une solution packagée MES + Ordo

MES + Ordonnancement : la nouvelle donne pour gérer, planifier, suivre et mesurer efficacement !

L’ordonnancement simple et intelligent en temps réel
Témoignage Nicolas Renard - La Manufacture Urbaine (S.E.M.U.)

La Manufacture Urbaine (S.E.M.U.)

Les améliorations fonctionnelles de Planilog en cette rentrée 2022

Ordonnancer de façon optimale en moins d'une minute, c'est maintenant possible !

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